Tuesday, 14 December 2010

taking shape and colour

Start of colour and texture.

Sunday, 12 December 2010

rough pencil sketches for meninos competition, design for a note book cover

Pencil drawings for a note book cover. The last image (the one with lots of fox ladies) is what it should eventually look like with a bot of colour and parts re-drawn and inked/vectored.

Friday, 10 December 2010

The late night sushi bar and banana advert

Just for fun

Time to add more things!

So since posting since October i have been a busy girl. Working full time and staying up into the small hours f the morning drawing and writing away i feel like life is a bit of a blur right now. I have been collaborating with some arty friends designing Christmas cards.
I tell you it has been a learning curb and my Gosh don't things take a long time to come together especially when you have to test print and wait for people to finish their work! Expensive too! But oh well life experience and all that.
Pink baubles & Rein deer

Sunday, 10 October 2010


I have been working for a small business that makes handmade cosmetics! You wouldn't
believe how simple bath bombs are to make and fun as well :D I have been commissioned to create the website for delish. So i am brushing up on my flash skills, i really need to lock my self in a room until it is finished!

Friday, 24 September 2010

It's been a while dear blog

Out smart

Near the end of August i had entered the out smart competition. Unfortunately i was busy with moving and all my precious items and laptop were packed away.
However i stuck with my out smart design and here is the final piece... better late than never i guess.
Im quite pleased with outcome and i think the feel is like my more recent paintings.

Monday, 26 July 2010

Neapolitan ice cream

Three ladies made from ice cream with some practically arranged sprinkles ;)

Oh mi its been a month since last posting!

So last update was about a commission to create the identity of a snack bar. Its been moved back a a bit at the owner may not have the funding which is a shame. So on to the next project!
I have been keeping myself busy working to raise money for my trip around the world and drawing creations from my head.
Whilst having late nights and early starts i have been drawing away in the late late night drawing, thinking and listening to indie pop sensation Likki li.

likki li inspired design

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

So possibly pretty good commission lined up!

At the moment to keep the pennies rolling in, i work part time at west cornwall pasty. they sell pasties who would have guessed? Anyway my boss wants to open up a sandwich bar and he caught wind that i have a degree in drawing things, so i did a few doodles with my computer felt tips and he decided that he would commission me (if the bank decides to give him a loan for it) to create the logo, cups, business cards etc... for his sandwich bar.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

snack bar logos

It's been a while since i have posted on my wall, so nows about time i am going to update what i have been doing for the last month.
I got a commission for a sandwich bar who want a logo designed for them, which i gladly agreed to do. Here are a couple of design ideas created for the client. The client liked the oval shape of the design from an earlier logo that i had sent to him. The idea being it is a cookie with a bite out of it.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Lovely Ladies v2

Finished images from earlier sketches posted on blog also names lovely ladies.

bird womb v3

So here is the image with the bird added into the picture. And a bit more detail on the girl. Still in progress so we shall see what happens.

Wierd Bird Birth v2

So i began illustrating the sketch from before. I like the way the the woman inside the womb came out It looks a bit like a kidney or a liver. Im undecided as to leave the bird out of the picture and just have the woman as she is. Maybe inside an egg shape.

Wierd Bird Birth

I have had this idea for a while, for a character of mine. She was born from a bird, not from an egg but the bird carried her in a womb that is outside its belly. Quite grotesque really. Its part mammal part bird. To get the idea across a sketched down the image in my mind, after a while i came up with the image below. i Feel i need to take this further and i will. But think for the moment this gives an impression of what i wanted.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Lovely ladies

I know i havent posted much lately, due to being away from England for a week and working which in-turn means not a lot of time to bloggit! So anyways here are some sketches of my Lovely Ladies. inspired by my love of drawing the female form, my love of the 50's domesctic godess/pin-up and deliciouse succulant, juicy fruit. They are still in progress, needs some colour!

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

thredless tee design

Yay my thredless tee design has been submitted for voting! click the link below to vote for me.
Monkey see monkey paint - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Tiger tattoo

This is for a friend who asked me to do a tiger tatto design for them. It's to go on the top of thier arm up to the shoulder. The idea is that the tiger is protective, but not agressive, of Joshua (friends son). Hopefully it portrays this for him, we shall see. But guess where he is having his tattoo done? None other than Miami ink!!!

Monday, 8 February 2010


In the process of making the poodle, not quite as smooth as i would like, but the shape of him is how i wanted it. The face is not perfect from the front, but the side view (middle image) has a sweet little pointy poodle nose.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Inspired by Cinderella

Drawing, drawing and more drawing...

I've been drawing away these past few weeks, just generating ideas for my next project. A while ago. I took a look back at my past sketches and came across an image for alice in wonderland book cover for a project at uni.

Gingerbread land Sketches

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Naughty lanna

Illustrated in CS programme Illustrator (of course). The image is part of my self promotion project.

Monday, 18 January 2010

The unfortunate gingerbread man

Over christmas i have been illustrating a series of christmas cards entiteled
'The unfortunate Ginger bread man'.

Sepia paintings

As i have been working away since leaving uni i have finally managed to take some time to add to my blog
So starting with some canvases i did in the summer of 2009. These are of worthing beach.
I began to get into painting again after doing a 3 year art course, mainly using CS programs.